#ililc5 – blog 1 – Joe Dale’s opening keynote

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This year’s fifth annual ICT and Languages Conference (ILILC5) kicked off as before with an introductory keynote from the Godfather of the MFLTwitterati, Joe Dale. In his inimitable wide-ranging, link-a-minute style, Joe took us through what’s currently (or about to be…) cutting-edge in the world of language education throughout the world – from social media use to SAMR… from sketchnoting to AR… from flipped learning to BYOD.

Joe is now a genuine world leader in MFL learning and teaching, presenting at conferences from North America to Australia and all points between – and yet one senses he feels truly at home here amongst some of the friends he’s known the longest.

It has to be said that Joe’s generosity with his research. and the work that has emerged from it is remarkable – in the photo above are two QR codes linking to Flipboard magazines he created for his keynote; an abridged version, and a full-fat version with about 1,500 links. Make yourself a thermos of coffee, switch off your mobile and fill your boots! 🙂

Flipboard 1

Flipboard 2 – The “Director’s Cut”

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